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National Resource Center on Native American Aging

The National Resource Center on Native American Aging (NRCNAA) seeks to identify and increase awareness of evolving Native Elder health and social issues. NRCNAA is supported by a cooperative agreement with the Administration for Community Living (ACL), Department of Health and Human Services.

Projects & Services

Helping Elders Live Well

  • Title VI Needs Assessment Survey

    This survey gathers information on health and social needs of your Elders to help with tribal planning, long-term care discussions, and grant applications.

  • Native Urban Elder Needs Assessment Survey

    This survey gathers information on health and social needs of urban Native Elders to help with planning efforts, decision-making, advocacy, and advancing health equity.

  • Resource Center on Native Aging and Disability

    NRCNAA will be hosting the new Resource Center on Native Aging and Disability. Resources and information will be found here.

  • Native Elder Caregiver Curriculum

    This tool is designed to aid professionals, relatives, and community members who have the responsibility of caring for Native Elders in their homes.

  • Native Aging in Place Project

    This project aids professionals, relatives, and community members who have the responsibility of caring for Native Elders in their homes.

  • WELL Balanced Program

    Here is a community program that combines exercise, information, and social interaction to help Native Elders remain active and independent for as long as possible.

  • Honoring Native Elder Veterans

    To honor and recognize our Native Elder veterans, we are sharing their stories of service, selflessness, and dedication. Learn how to submit a story.

  • Native Service Locator

    This interactive map provides a list of tribal elderly services available across the U.S. Use the interactive map to easily locate services in your state by tribe or village.